Richard Goeglein -- Trusted Advisor
Evening Star Holdings LLC

Richard Goeglein
Trusted Advisor, Wise Counselor


Are you faced with a major decision?
Is your career about to take off?
Do you know the mechanics of making the deal?
Do you have the traits to inspire confidence?
Are things falling apart around you?
Is your staff with you or against you?
Have you made an embarrassing misstep?
Should you change jobs?
Is this the opportunity of a lifetime?
Do you need a strategic solution to current economic stresses?
Do you need to cut costs and improve efficiency?

If you are grappling with these or similar questions, wouldn’t you like a sounding board -- someone with whom to have a confidential, problem-solving conversation?

That person is Richard Goeglein.


Richard earned his MBA from Stanford. He has been in the thick of it, leading start-ups, emerging growth enterprises, and turn-around situations as well as multi-billion dollar companies: securing loans; shepherding mergers and acquisitions; managing a staff of hundreds; hiring, firing, promoting, and being hired, fired and promoted. 

Richard Goeglein is not a trained life or career coach.  He doesn’t have a certificate attesting to his legitimacy. What he offers is the weight and authority of proven experience. He jumped into business with both feet, found his own way and spent years as a successful CEO.He’s a man you can trust because he’s trustworthy.  He’s a man you can believe because he doesn’t have pat, one-type-fits-all answers.  His years of experience make him an expert resource for executives, owners, or boards of directors working through difficult organizational and financial situations as well as individuals faced with tough career and management questions. 

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